Saturday, May 2, 2009

pt 2 of Belief over Misery

I talked to a friend about how I was feeling, and just telling him made me feel a whole lot better!!! I feel like I'm no longer carrying this huuuuge burden! I love when friends lift you up like that because you can feel a hint of God's love in those relationships.

Maybe, that's why scripture calls us to confess our sins to one another..haha. God knew what he was talking about!! =)

I'm working on being patient.

I need to be patient.

Lord, help me be patient!

I just have one more week and then school ends. How crazy is that??? Ahhh!

I'm giving myself a challenge for the month of May. Depending on how well it turns out I may challenge myself to do something every month.


In May, I want to tell 4 people that I love them. I'm sure they assume it, but I want them to hear it from my mouth... for the first time ever.

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