Hola Friends! I have some very exciting news, but first I should give a lil background....
I dated a guy for almost 5 years, and the relationship was really bad because we were unequally yoked. After we broke up a year and a half ago I tried to maintain a friendship with him, but it was difficult because he would only pull me down. I finally decided to give it over to God and of course he helped me overcome.
The last time I talked to my ex was about 2 months ago. I called _____ to tell him that I was no longer going to persue a friendship with him because everytime I talked to him I felt miserable. He seemed perfectly fine with severing ties which kinda sealed the deal for me. Anywayz, last week we were gonna have an end of the quarter bible study party, but I decided I was not gonna attend cuz I was kinda worn out from finals......But, an hour before the bible study party my ex called me! I have never EVER been able to reject his phone calls before EXCEPT for this time! God finally helped me get rid of all that baggage I was carrying around. I raced to bible study so I wouldnt be tempted to call him back and the most appropriate song came on the radio: Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin version). By the time the song got to "my chains are gone, I've been set free" i was bawling. I love how the Lord is alwayz so faithful to me. I finally feel content in the Lord. I'm glad i was finally put to the test because I would alwayz thank God for helping me control the urge to call ____ or look at his myspace, but the enemy would alwayz whisper in my ear that I had been able to resist the temptation because ____ didn't try to contact me. I was finally able to prove that God helped me overcome! I can't express in words the Joy i feel in my heart.....